1496 N. Higley Road, Ste. 104 Gilbert, AZ 85234 info@softouchdental.com 480-830-5003

Our Technology

Surgical Magnification Loupes – Gone are the days of a dim overhead light and the naked eye. Dentists graduating from dental schools the last decade are trained to where magnified surgical loupes along with attached high powered lights. The increased light and magnification help dentists diagnose and perform dental surgeries much more accurately and precisely.

Dentists typically use magnification of 2X-4X, but sometimes even more. Biomimetic Dentists are trained to use very high magnification, especially to diagnose cracks during treatment. Dr. Schiffenhaus wears 3X-5X loupes and Dr. May pictured here wears 8X loupes. Dr. Schiffenhaus and Dr. May will also routinely use a dental microscope to perform treatment at 16X-24X